Frequently Asked Questions



+ Can you rent a dumpster for one day?

You can absolutely rent a dumpster for just one day. Just let ust know and we can schedule a pickup for the day after your delivery.

+ What dumpster sizes do you offer?

We offer 15 yard, 20 yard, & 30 yard roll off dumpsters.

+ How long can I have a dumpster rental for?

You can keep a dumpster rental for as long as you need. We do have long term rental charges after 7 days and after 30 days. We can get you a quote before hand if you know you'll need your dumpster for a long period of time.

+ Do I need a permit for my dumpster rental?

You do not need a permit to have a dumpster rental delivered as long as we can deliver it on your property. For curbside placements, construction permits are required in Park City.



+ How much is a 20 yard dumpster rental?

A 20 yard dumpster rental cost $565 and has a 3 ton allowance. If you go over your 3 ton allowance, each additional pound is charged at 4 cents per pound.

+ How much does it cost to rent a dumpster for a month?

If you are renting a dumpster for a month or longer it will cost you the initial rental fee and $10 per day after 10 days. If you keep your dumpster for 30 days or longer without switch outs, a $400 per month fee will be charged.

+ What types of payment are accepted?

We accept all major forms of credit card.

+ How much does a dumpster rental cost?

Our dumpster rentals vary in price depending on their size and style. Our standard rates range from $515 to $615.

+ What's the cost of going over a specified weight limit?

We charge 4 cents per pound on weight overages. All of our dumpster rentals come with a specified weight limit allowance included in the standard rental rate.


Dumpster Features

+ Will my dumpster have a weight limit?

All of our dumpster come a specified weight limit. You can place more weight in your dumpster than the specified limit but you will be charged 4 cents per pound after the specified weight limit.

+ What items can't go in a dumpster rental?

Any hazardous waste as well as any items that aren't allowed in your normal trash cans should not be thrown in dumpster rentals.

There are also extra charges for concrete, asphalt, mattresses, fridges, and tires. $95/ton extra for concrete & asphalt. $75 per mattress, fridge, or tires.

+ What size of dumpster do I need?

The dumpster size that you need will depend on the what you are placing in it. Give us a call and we can help you find the right size dumpster rental for your project.



+ Do I need to be home for my delivery/pickup?

There is no need for you to be home during your delivery or pickup. Just ensure that they area where you want your dumpster places is clear before delivery.

+ Can a dumpster sit on an incline?

A dumpster can sit on an icline up to 15 degrees. Our driver will make the final decision on whether a dumpster can be safely placed.

+ Should I lay down plywood?

We do not require that homeowners lay down ply-wood where they want their dumpster placed but it is recommended to protect the surface from scratches & scrapes.

+ How much space is needed?

For 15 yard dumpster we need at least 20' L x 10' W and 20 feet of vertical clearance. For 20 yard and 30 yard dumpster, we need at least 24' L x 10' W and 20 feet of vertical clearance.

+ Who do I call to pick up my dumpster?

When you need to have your dumpster picked up just give our office a call and we will get it scheduled. (435)654-7488